Quality Managament

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Testing & Controlling

The product quality is as high as the quality of the components and processes. If these are error-free, effective and comprehensible, our quality management is successful.

With modern technology and well thought-out processes that build on one another and add value, Control Motion Electronics consistently prevents systematic errors, returns and failed assemblies. Our electronics production is characterized by short throughput times and high productivity.

“Design for Manufacturing”, which is taken into account during development, focuses right from the start on manufacturing assemblies reliably, cost-effectively and safely.


Product defects can be easily remedied and material damage can be assigned if sources of error can be identified and corrected quickly. The prerequisite for this is the traceability of all components over the entire process chain. Self database ensures transparency. For series products, all product-specific data is stored in a specially developed database. In addition to all data on the components used, this includes e.g. B. also the production parameters.


Quantitative and qualitative material planning and control is an essential part of our production. For a cost-optimized and effective process, we rely on strategic material management with international purchasing of components, printed circuit boards and mechanical components.


  • Incoming goods inspection
  • Storage of all data on manufacturers, delivery, suppliers, components, production parameters
  • Marking of all products with a label (serial number & barcode)
  • Documentation of all production steps, test results & finished batches